

Contracts are Closed

If you wish to have your blaster modified by me, please send me an email at with the following format:

Modify one of your existing blasters:  (Yes or no)
Blaster(s) to be modified:
Modifications to be done:  
Paint job: (Yes or no)
Colors: (Only up to any 3 colors.  If no paintjob say “None”)
Other Notes: (Anything else you wish to say/add)

I will do almost any modification for any Nerf blaster.  
The price of the mod will be determined by the difficulty of the mod, and time taken to finish it.
I have been modifying blasters for +4 years now and it would be highly unlikely that I will break the blaster.  In the event that It does break, I will refund you or take the money out of my own pocket to fix it.

Here are some estimates for the price of some modifications:

(Prices are subject to change)

Maverick: $18+ Shipping (Shipping is around $6)
All Mavericks will be modified with simple mods unless specified otherwise
Simple mods: Air restrictor removal and penny addition
Ranges after modification are usually around 40 feet, fired at a flat angle

Nitefinder: $25 + Shipping (Shipping is around $6)
All Nitefinders will be modified like the Nitefinder seen in my tutorial video: Click me!
Ranges after modification are usually around 65 feet, fired at a flat angle

More estimates to come...
If you are interested, I can do homemades.  The price of the homemade will depend on what kind of homemade design it is.
I cannot make blasters out of polycarbonate (+bows, 2-11's, etc.) at the moment because I don't have the tools to do so.

Paint Jobs:
Custom Paint jobs for your Nerf blaster.
Price would have to be decided on the complexity of the paintjob, paints used and how much paint is used.

Here are some estimates for the price of some Paint jobs:
(Prices are subject to change)

Maverick: $30 + Shipping (Shipping is around $6)
Painted Mavericks would be modified and painted in a manner similar to the one seen in the link, unless otherwise specifiedClick me!

More estimates to come...
Handling Your New Modified Nerf Blaster:
  • NEVER Dryfire your modified blasterDryfiring is when you fire the blaster, without a    dart loaded.  This puts a huge amount of unnecessary stress on the blaster’s internal parts, which will result in breakage.
  • If your blaster is painted black, please try to refrain from bringing it into public places.
  • Be responsible.  Don’t aim it where it will hurt.
  •  Have fun outranging your friend’s blasters in a war!

Other Notes:
  • I will not be paying shipping, so it would be best if I bought a blaster, modified it, and shipped it out to you, rather than you shipping your blaster to me.
  • I only accept Paypal.  Cash by mail is too much of a hassle.
  • I require a 50% deposit for any modification.  So whatever the total price of the mod is, I require half of that up front.  This is to ensure that the buyer is serious.  I'm not trying to cheat you.