
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Update: New Toys!

Hey guys, its been awhile.  But that doesn't mean I've stopped modding!  Here are some of the guns I've recently acquired/ modded.  They will each get their own review later:

Modded Big Blast.  No official ranges, but I think its somewhere around the 80-90 foot mark.  Not bad, but not great either.

Modded Nerf Big Bad Titan.  I've kept the rocket ability but you can also fire a single or shot gun blast from it.  Really fun gun.

Quick 16.  Ranges somewhere around the 45-50 foot range.  Air Restrictor removal and Longshot spring replcement. Great for rushing!

Nerf Longstrike. Ranges are 45- 55 feet.  Just an air restrictor removal done and other basic mods.  This is a REALLY comfy gun.


  1. longshot spring in a quick 16!? sounds awesome. do you think you can put it into that longstrike?

  2. Don't think so, the Quick 16's internals are a bit different. :)

  3. man. thought you could take all the hate out of the longstrike if you put some ls in it.

  4. You could also buy OMW springs now. They are selling them seperately.

  5. yep that would be good too. forgot about those.


Thanks for reading!