
Friday, November 25, 2011

Ebay: What The?!

Hey guys, its been awhile.  I've been working on projects and stuffing myself full with mashed potatoes lately and haven't gotten around to any blogging.  Anyways today, I was looking around Ebay and saw this.
What The?!
It is a Nerf Scout, but in a different paint scheme.  I've never seen this one before.  All I've seen are the very common red Scouts:
And the newer Yellow Scouts:
But a Blue/ Green Scout?  Was this the Scout before it was sold in the Titan set? How many scout repaints are there?
If anyone has more info on this, I'd very much like to know. :)

EDIT:  Also a couple more Scouts.  Some other knock offs:

I like the last one.  Saw it over here.


  1. There Is the blue and green one that came with an target set the red and silver one that came with the titan and the horrnet and the yellow is just from kmart :) F4stF0rw4rd->

  2. There are four. Red, Yellow, Green, and Green blue. The Green and Blue were sold With a TechTarget target.

  3. Cool. Just another random Nerf fact I guess. :)


Thanks for reading!