
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Inline Clip Idea!

So I was sitting at my desk and I looked at an inline clip that I had laying around, and a wye.
I came up with this:
So the drawback (in my opinion) for the inline clip system, is the slow reload.  Basicly, adding the wye to the back-end of the clip should (hopefully) increase the ROF.  To work it, you take the end cap off of the top part of the wye, feed darts in, the put the cap back on.  Let me point out that this is just an idea, and I don't know how good this would work in a war.  

  • 1/2" cpvc
  • 1/2" pvc
  • 1/2" pvc wye
  • 1/2" pvc end cap

  • Dremel

1.  Cut your lengths of cpvc and pvc (No pic)

2.  Sand the inside of the pvc, so that the cpvc nests inside like so.  I used a sanding bit.
 3.  On the back end of the pvc, your going to want to bevel the lip.
 4.  Get your endcap and about 1/2 an inch of 1/2" pvc and push it in.  You may want to glue it, but I didn't
5.  Put it all together!

Faster reload (in my opinion)
TONS of deadspace.

Other notes:
Let me just state again,  this is just an idea and I have no clue if this is war worthy.

1 comment:

  1. Might as well just make a hopper so you don't need to tilt your blaster.


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