
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Modified Nerf Nitefinder 2.0!

There is a little back story on this mod.  
Awhile back, I this was my personal Nitefinder:
I miss you. :(
 It was AMAZING.  Great seal, strong spring, nice paint job, and awesome accuracy.  But that has since been sold.  For a while now, I was missing a side-arm.  So I decided to make another...

 This is my Nitefinder "2.0".  Although this isn't the second Nitefinder I've modded, it is (IMO) one of the best performing and coolest one I've done yet.
Mods done to it include:
- Coupler'd
- Increased seal
- Spring replacement
- Catch spring replacement
- Various comfort and reinforcement mods
 The way I did the coupler this time was different.  I followed Blue's write-up, which is basically a cut down cpvc coupler nested inside the front "rings" of the plunger tube.  I was very lucky when doing this mod because in modern Nitefinders, Hasbro glues the entire plunger tube assembly together.  Mine was, but the glue bond was so weak that I just popped it off.
I also did various minimization mods to the blaster.
 I cut a lot of the priming rod's handle off in attempt to minimize the blaster.
 I also am not using the bottom battery "cap".  (I sanded down the little nub)
Love how this looks
 And I also cut it like revisionfive on NerfRev did, seen here.
 And if you already can't tell, I've sanded the blaster down for a future paint job.  I've also put FBR (foam backer rod) in the shell to reduce vibration.  This is a pic of the blaster with a 2 round speed loader.  I really love this gun.  I now have successfully replaced my previous Nitefinder with flying colors.
Me likey
Update:  I have padded the plunger head with a rubber washer.  That combined with all the foam I crammed into the baster, this thing is SUPER quiet.


  1. So I guess you need a paint scheme for it. Hmmmmm. Red...and.....silver. Idk. Can't think of anything right now.

  2. Yeah, I was thinking of some sort of red.
    I like red.

    Maybe a Blue.

  3. I personally think red is overused but if done well can look really good. Was there a guide you used for this? I'm really starting to think that this mod looks easy.

  4. It was easy. Check the links in the post.

  5. It consistantly gets around 60-65".

  6. Looks like you settled on a paint job for it! Now it looks as good as it performs!

  7. Actually the green and black was my first Nitefinder. My current one is still sanded. :3

  8. What spring did you used for the spring replacment?

  9. I used a Home Depot Handyman spring. Its about 25lbs.


Thanks for reading!