
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Modified Nerf Nitefinder/SSPB Integration!

Hey guys!  I've been meaning to post this for a while, but I finally got around to taking pics of this!  If you can remember in the Sspb post, I mentioned that I was going to integrate it into something.  There were a lot of good guesses, some that I've never thought of, but I was really integrating it into a Nitefinder!  I've always wanted to do this mod ever since I saw Drac do this mod in his video here.  However, he didn't coupler the blasters, which I was disapointed with.

The Nitefinder has standard mods, however this time around, I couplered it using a 1/2" Pvc coupler instead of the usual 1/2" cpvc couplers.  The only reason I did that was because I wanted to see how it turned out and I have to say, it looks good for this setup, but I think I'll keep to the regular cpvc coupler.  

This Nitefinder was actually built for a friend.  He is going to be using it in wars that use stock darts, which is why the all the mods done were designed for stock darts.  However, it can shoot stefans.

Close up of the SSPB 

 As you can see, both barrels can be removed.


Sspb Internals
The Sspb integrations was not all that hard, making the cuts was just a bit tricky though.

Nitefinder internals
I used half of a 1/2" Pvc coupler for this Nitefinder.  

Heres a firing vid for ya:

Overall, this blaster is awesome.  The Sspb was originally going to be a backup shot, but it turned into a long range shot after I tank expanded it.  I really like this combination and how smooth the integration was.  The Sspb compliments the Nitefinder really nicely.  I think I will make one for myself in the future.


  1. Very clean good job!

    I might do something like that.

    1. Haha! You commented really fast iModify!

      Glad you like it though. Its really fun to play around with.

    2. so 2/3 littlest guns integrated and this is what you get huh?? :)

  2. Wow! That's really beautiful! So well laid out. The sspb looks mean there like that. I am definitely going to try it like this!

    1. Thanks man! I just gave it to its new owner today, and he really loves it. What I love about this integration is how the shells flow together so smoothly! I suggest everyone give this a try, its a very good combination.

  3. I love it,what spring is in the NF?

    1. I used a Home Depot Handyman Spring. I think its the same as an Ace #49, but don't take my word for it.

  4. So cool. *puts on mods to do list*

  5. nice. this was my first major mod. I just made one a few weeks ago incredibly similar to this. only my tank expansion is connected through vinyl tubing then micro zip tied onto the side of the shell in case I ever have to remove it.(they did not start as part of the same project hence the tubing and such) other than that it was like the exact same except the chell is integrated a little messier and i made a little shotgun attachment for the sspb and a speedloader for the main gun. it was cool but i sold it to my friend. my new one in progress is a beast. has a cpvc breech on the main springer and the sspb... I'm working on a few extra things but right now it has a stupid enourmous tank.(like 3 to 4 times bigger than my original tank expansion) it generally has a nice mist to it's shots and punches through cardboard like whoa. It's gonna be great:D


Thanks for reading!