
Saturday, February 25, 2012

SSPB Update: Oh Yes I Did....

Remember in the last post about the SSPB, I said that I might tank expand it?  Well....

I did.  >:)

I messed up drilling the hole. :\

This tiny blaster totally packs a punch.  Its couplered ranges used to be 50-60 feet (flat), but now, this thing is hitting an amazing 65-70 feet!

I'll let the pics explain the rest:

Whoops...  Slightly crooked.
Internal Shot

I expanded the tank using a stub of cpvc and an end cap, following this write-up.  Wasn't really hard, but it was slightly tricky when cutting the hole in the tank.

Once again, I'll say that everyone should go out and buy an SSPB.  They are so cheap, and so effective.  However, some SSPBs are a bit finicky, so I suggest buying in bulk.
When I have a chance to go to the store, I am buying a lot more of these for experimentation.  I like them better than Jolts (sorry Soloz1).  :)

Update:  I have re-range tested the SSPB, and it is hitting a lot farther than I originally thought!  It is now getting a whopping 70-80 feet!


  1. Dang. It's that easy!? I gotta go out and get one already.

    1. The tank expansion is a bit tricky, but yeah, its pretty easy.

  2. You probably need at least a 5 1/2" barrel. You should get a little more range I think. How many pumps till the opv kicks in?

    1. Wow, a comment from the maker himself. :D

      It takes about 18-20 pumps for the OPRV to kick in. Again, I used Cpvc for my tank expansion, so I'm not sure if a 5.5 inch barrel is going to do it good, then again, I might be wrong. Also, I made this for a friend, and he is going to be using stock darts, and I wanted him to be able to fire every type of dart, not just streamlines.

      I also ran out of Cpvc, lol.

    2. Ah, Ok. My cpvc expanded one tops out at 12 pumps or so. I knew you had significantly more volume than mine. I chopped my endcap down a bit to make it really low profile & kept the stub short. My pvc endcap expansion tops out at 22 pumps so you got great volume. I haven't gotten real close to optimum barrel length on my cpvc but the pvc needs around a 6" barrel. Thanks for showing off the mod!

    3. Yeah, once I noticed that my expansion extended out much further than I wanted, it was already glued to the tank. I really like these SSPBs and I'm thinking about picking up a bunch more of them. Thanks for making this write-up!
      (BTW, I'd be pretty stoked if you followed my blog. XP )

  3. I am addicted to them right now. Next I have to try doing a homemade pump and checkvalve. It needs a bigger pump for sure.

    Be stoked. I do follow your blog. It's a very good one.

    You are welcome. Thanks again to you, and Great Job!

    1. That means a lot coming from you. Thanks and keep up the great work. Looking forward to the next sspb project!


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