
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

UrbanTaggers: Currently Offline!?!

Hey guys.  If some of you have noticed, Urban Taggers, the blog for everything Nerf, Supersoaker, and Lazertag, has been temporarily shut down.  Click the link to see for yourself: Link.
Turns out that they had been contacted by Hasbro's lawyers.  Here's what Pocket said on Facebook:

Hi folks. Well it was bound to happen:P We've had to temporarily shut down as we've been contacted by Hasbro's lawyers... guess you know you're onto something big when the man comes after you! We'll let you know what happens!

Hopefully, they can keep this blog up online!  Root for them guys!


  1. that's to bad those guys were awesome!

  2. This is terrible news. Was there some sort of post about a Nerf product I missed that prompted this? I can't think of why this would be happening, especially not to UT, but it does not bode well unless there was something very specific concerning some new product that was leaked. I somehow doubt Pocket would randomly decide to engage in a smear campaign or anything similarly silly that would've raised corporate eyebrows so high....what in the world is going on?

    1. It might have been the Elite series leak that prompted this. I have a hunch that Hasbro might have been waiting until they got enough dirt on Pocket to do this. I guess we will just have to wait this out and see what happens.

    2. Or maybe they got their hands on elite :)


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