
Monday, April 9, 2012

The Giveaway Nitefinder!

So you all know that I'm doing a giveaway already, and I said that it was going to be a Nitefinder, but I never actually showed you guys it!  
Well, I just finished it today.  It has some other minor things that need to be done to it like adding the handle cap and getting the signatures of Pacific Nerf's authors on it, but it is done for the most part.  Without further delay, here it is:

This is the modified Nf that I am going to be giving away, and I've gotta say I'm going to be sad to see it go.  It is the one of nicest ones I've done in a long time.  Mods done include couplering, minimization, spring replacements, seal increase, and reinforcements.

It will come with a cpvc speedloader.  Each of the barrels are 4 inches long.

Now on to the internals:

One of the things that I have been doing to Nitefinders recently is reinforcing that area with epoxy puddy.  The new weight of the spring really bends that screw port and I was afraid that it would eventually break.  This reinforcement easily solves that problem.

Now here you can see that I have couplered it.  I've couplered it using a 1/2 inch cpvc coupler.  I have also eliminated the deadspace using 1/2" pvc nested in cpvc and gooped in (not shown).

On to the plunger assembly, I've replaced the spring with a Homedepot Handyman spring.  They come in packs of two, very good springs for Nf's.  
The spring I used to replace the catch spring is a spring from McMaster-Carr.  It's item number is 96565K36

I've also increased the seal with E-Tape and re-lubed it.  It now has a 100% seal.

With all of these mods, this Nitefinder hits about 60- 65 feet and punches cardboard!  This is one of the best Nitefinders that I've done in awhile and I'm going to be really sad to see this go.  However that means that I know that whoever gets it, will be very happy!

Finally here is a video of it:

Update:  Here are some pics of where I've signed my name on the Nitefinder.  I will update this post later with the pics of Roamer's and Soloz1's sigs.


  1. Dude, that looks awesome!! Is there any chance I could win?? jk... :P

  2. Looks really nice! Hope I win so I get the chance to hold this amazing blaster that you have done such great work on! Good Job!

  3. 48 followers! I really want that Nf.

  4. Wow you guys are up to 48 now. Loos like it'll be a successful give-away. Great job!

  5. Man, 65 feet and punches cardboard? AWESOME! Only two more followers to go! Good luck guys! Is the winner randomly selected?

  6. Yup. My sig is going to look like a childs name written in crayon compared to yours.
    Btw, I saw this when it was first up. I meant to reply but, I got distracted by the fish down there :P

  7. Pause, did you measure the 60-65 ft. with stock darts or stefans?

    1. I used slug style stefans in my range test.
      You can see the video here:


Thanks for reading!