
Friday, April 13, 2012

Giveaway Update: 50 Followers Achieved!

Whoohoo!  The Giveaway goal of 50 followers was reached!  Thank you to everyone who has followed!  This means that we are definitely going to giveaway the modified Nitefinder, seen in this post, by the end of this month.

Although we reached the big "Five-o", if you follow before the drawing (at the end of this month), you will still be entered for a chance to win!

I want to use this post to clear up some confusion there might have been amongst some of you followers.
  • You must follow by clicking the "Join this site" button pictured above.  I will be basing the giveaway off of the followers that I can see there, so if you are following in a different manner make sure to follow there!
  • Yes, we will be shipping to the UK.  We will try to ship anywhere.
  • We are paying for the shipping, you don't need to pay anything!

Again, if you have any questions about the Giveaway, please visit the original post seen here because your question might already have been answered.  If you have checked there first, and you don't have an answer to your question, you can put it in the comments below, and we will answer it!

Thanks again guys!

Update:  I got Roamer's Sig!  Now I just need soloz1's....

Roamer's Sig.
My Sig.


  1. When will the drawing take place?

    1. The end of this month!? I'm practically gonna be freaking out the rest of this month waiting! :P

  2. wow, great job guys!
    I can't wait to see who wins!

  3. A free NF is the right to all sentient beings.

  4. not that my signature is anything to write home about.....

  5. nice,P.S. i love the new longshot youve got at the top!

  6. Congrats on 50 followers guys! Can't wait 'till the end of the month!


Thanks for reading!