
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pacific Nerf Giveaway Winner!

Its the end of the month, so its time to announce the lucky winner of the Nitefinder!

Before I announce the winner of the Giveaway, I would just like to say, thank you all for entering.  I never thought we would reach 50 followers before today.  Thank you so much!

I determined the winner using a random number generator at  This was the number it gave me:

So I counted through all the followers, all the way up to the 31st follower.  To be honest, I was quite surprised at the winner... (heh.)

The winner is....

imodify is the winner of the giveaway Nitefinder!  Please email me at within 24 hours of this post with your full address.  If you don't contact me within that timeframe, I will redo the drawing for another winner.

Again, thank you all so much for entering.  We will most likely do another giveaway in the future, with a much better blaster.

Until next time, guys!



  1. Excuse me pause but i counted the members and i counted up to 31 and it was ice-cubed.imodify's slot was number 30.check 4 yourself.

  2. ignore my comment i realized gadgets was an author and didn't count. Congrats imodify!

  3. Awesome!

    Great way to get followers!
    Hurry up Imod and get your claim!

  4. YAYA, Thanks! I'm emailing you now

  5. How/where did you count? When I tried counting, imodify was the 30th... Double check? I could totally be mistaken. Or if you started from the last page of followers (as of hitting next the most times) jerm781 was 31. I was just using the little toolbar on the right of the page... Let me know...:)

    1. I counted in the followers section on the blogging part of Pacific Nerf. :)
      Not the gadget on the side.

    2. Okeydokey, I really wanted to win though... :)

  6. oh well... i really wanted to win!

  7. Ps: Please don't unfollow because you lost :P


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