
Friday, June 1, 2012

A Superlative LS Plunger Head!

Ah, it feels great to post a modification again...  Or a homemade rather.  
Actually, its kind of both.  A "homemadificaiton" as Ice would say.

Cue the back story.

I was sitting in my chair, thinking about my Longshot, and how I could improve the seal.  I happened to glance over at my desk and saw the Superlative plunger head that I made for my failed Snapbow, and remembered how people were using Superlative plunger heads in Snap Carbines, that have similar plunger tube dimensions as Longshots.

I had one of them "light bulb" moments, and got working.  Within a few minutes, I managed to fit the Superlative plungerhead on to the Longshot's plunger rod.  It fit perfectly, and sealed wondrously.  So I re-assembled my Longshot and tested it out.  Sure enough, it gave me a 100% seal.

If you want to replicate this, the key to getting it to work is matching the thickness of the stock plunger head.  If your homemade plunger head isn't as thick as the stock one, the blaster won't be able to catch.

Mine is a little to short, and the catch slips sometimes.  Its an easy fix though.

Watch the video below for a comparison of the two plunger heads, and a seal test:

Just another simple but effective mod for your Longshot!  I suggest everyone try it.


  1. Its been done, but differently. Your seal will probably be damaged since the "pusher" in the bolt will press directly on the rubber washer. The better way to do it is to reverse the plunger so it cups backwards. It still will seal just as well, but will last longer. Don't worry about added deadspace, its negligible.

    1. Well, I haven't noticed any decrease in seal yet, so I think its good. The thing about cupping washers backwards, is that they sometimes "flip" when you're priming the blasters, and that flipping ruins the seal. I don't know if this is completely true or not, but I'm not going to take my chances.

      My rule of thumb is that if it works, don't mess with it. So for now, I'm gonna keep it this way.
      Thanks for your concern.


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