
Sunday, July 15, 2012

MIG Style Stefans!

I saw a post by Makeitgo awhile back on NerfRevolution on how he makes his darts.  Apparently, the way he made them, they got much better ranges than the normal stefan.
MIG stefans
So I decided to give it a try, and wow.  These darts are amazing!  I saw an immediate 10 foot increase out of all of my blasters, just by using these darts.

Supa domey
One reason why these darts work so well, is because they are very domey.  By following his instructions in his writeup,  I made almost perfect domes on every single dart that I made.

Strawz: dey help yo.
Because he uses stock dart foam for his darts, they have that hole in the middle.  That hole is one of the big reasons why they get much more range.  That hole allows for more air to be pocketed behind the dart in the barrel, before it is pushed forward, therefore increasing range.  The straw insert helps with the rigidity of the foam, so it doesn't squish down in the barrel from the air pressure.
Make some now.
Overall, if you want to use the true potential of your blasters use these darts.  However, they are slightly more expensive, take more time to make, and are more difficult to make than regular stefans.  Personally, I will be trying to make and use this type of dart more often.

Thanks Makeitgo!

Link to his write-up, here.


Thanks for reading!