
Monday, September 3, 2012

Painted Maverick!

First off, I really hate Mavericks.  They have really small air volume, and don't get phenomenal ranges after modification.  But they look so good when they're painted!

"Extreme Cholo"
This Mav was for my friend for his birthday.  I just did some simple mods to it, air restrictor, penny addition, things like that.  I also gave it a blue, yellow, and grey paintjob upon his request.  I think it turned out really nice looking!

"The Epic Star Wars"
He wanted me to write "The Epic Star Wars" and "Extreme Cholo" somewhere on the blaster, so I did.

My sig
And I also put my sig on there too. :)

Full barrel drop
Its perty.
I'm really happy how this Mav turned out.  It was fun painting a Nerf gun, as I haven't done so in a while. I'm going to be sad to see it go.

And as always, a video:



  1. Nice! I see some flaws in the paint but it's still really nice.... And this is a Blog post!?

    1. It was my first time taping, so yeah there are flaws.

      And... I think... this IS a blog post.

  2. That is one awesome looking mav! If I were to commission you for one similar, how much would it set me back?


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