
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Confirm Confirm Confirm

We knew it was legit. Nerf knew it was legit. No one was surprised. Coming in with a $49.99 price tag, DA SENTOOREEAN.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Max Force Shadow Hawk Sale

First off, Kotaku is a great gaming news source.

But that's only partially what this is about. Drugstore's site made a major price cut on Max Force's Shadow Hawk. A 78% price cut. Pick them up now for $9.99 HERE.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New OMW Concept Art

     Earlier today, Orange Mod Works released some concept art on their Facebook page. They have a Retaliator kit in production.
     EDIT: Now available for preorder.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Leaks And Stuff

     So Nerf's PR messed  up with the whole Centurian shinanigans. If you know about it you, know about it. If not, it's fine.


      So yeah.... "RapidStrike CS-18". Browsing the NMW Facebook page, this was brought up. It showcases both the Rapid Strike and the clear Elite clip that was found a couple weeks ago. By the looks of the picture, it is following the flywheel direction Hasbro seems to be taking. See the second trigger under its primary trigger? Unless there is some kind of light up function similar to the Firestrike, we can expect a Stryfe with a new shell.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Stryfe Motor Replacement!

Super easy mod, if you know what your doing.  All I did was replace the Stryfe's stock motors, with the new ones I got in the mail, and removed all locks.

I don't really feel like typing much today, so hopefully the pics explain...

New Internals
le motors

Motors replaced
And a video as always:

The nice thing about these motors is that you get the same ranges as a voltage mod, without needing special batteries (like Ultrafires).  

If you want to buy some replacement motors of your own, go here:

I believe they also work in Rayvens.   

I hope to mod this Stryfe further in the future, but thats all for now.  It was nice modding again. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

This Blog Ain't Dead Yet!

Its been a long time since this blog has had any activity (mainly because I haven't modded anything).  

But heres a sneak peek at my next mod- can you figure it out?  :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Future

     Allow us recap this past blooming year of this nerfy blog of ours.

     Let us start with My Overhauled 3k! Fun paintjob. Not so fun problems right now.

      Next we got Pause's Immensely Reinforced Boltsled Write-up! It's super effective!

     We also got Pause's Snap Carbine! Deals 100'+ feet of damage!

    Er.. Pause likes small things. He's so much more productive.... Super leet, yo.

          I did this.

                                                   Yup. We did a bunch of other cool bigger stuff too.
                                                    Look for them in the older posts. Do it. Naow.

                Check out Pause's YouTube Channel as well as Mine for some mod party fun stuff.

 Been a cool year. We reached 40k recently. Should I do a give away? Need a bit more traffic here.