
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Modified Nerf Nitefinder: Breeched!

 So if you guys can remember my Nitefinder 2.0 post from awhile back,  You can remember that last you saw it, it looked like this:

Well... After further tweaking, I can tell you that it doesn't look like that anymore, It looks like this!
Yup!  I made my Nitefinder EVEN MORE AWESOME by adding a breech!  If you don't know what a breech is, there are plenty other places that explain what it is and how it works.  I won't plug any here, but thats what Google if for! :)  However, I think a breech is pretty self-explanitory:
Breech closed
Breech open
The method I used to make my breech, as most of you have seen in my update post, was how Popatachi did it.  Write up found here.
He used cpvc and pvc to make it, though I had to improvise just a bit.  His Nitefinder is pvc couplered while mine was cpvc couplered.  I had to make my little bit of cpvc that I pushed into the back longer so that I could fit it into my coupler.  Once I did that, I glued it in.  Sorry, I didn't take any pics, but hopefully you can understand! :)

Here's a firing vid for ya:

Overall, I'm happy with the breech.  There are many pros and cons of a breech, but I felt that putting a breech on my Nitefinder was a better set up than my speed loader.

Ranges are the same as before.  60-65' flat, but I think that can be improved.


  1. add a breech to anything and it makes it that much cooler. still no paintjob? PortaI (too lazy to log in to google :P)

  2. Breeches aren't always the best option, but they are cool.
    Yeah, no paint job yet. Paint is expensive.

  3. What's the thing on the cpvc that you used to push/pull the breech?

  4. If you click on the link it will show you.
    Its just scrap pieces of pvc glued on top of each other.

  5. Neato, I'm a huge fan of breeches.

    I recently remodded my NF and I'm still not sure whether it's better or worse :/

    The barrel on yours is a little short to necessitate a breech though, since you could just push in the dart.

    So maybe breeches are a lot of work to make, and maybe they aren't the most practical, but they're cool. And fun.

    And that's what Nerfing's about, right? Not range, not practicality, fun.

    1. Well, my barrel is 4" long, so it is long enough to have a breech, and stock darts are usually around 2". However, when a dart is in the very back of any barrel, you are going to get more accuracy and range because there is less deadspace.
      Though you are right, you can just push darts in the front, which is actually what I do in a stock dart war because, stock darts can be rather fat and don't want to slide into the cpvc.
      But when I'm using stefans, I use the breech because stefans are shorter, and more dense, which makes putting them in the barrel a lot easier.


Thanks for reading!