
Friday, January 13, 2012

Update: What I've Been Doing

Hey guys.  This is gonna be an update on a few projects I have in the works:

First, we have an update on my Nitefinder.  I have since permanently breeched it with pvc and cpvc, Popatachi style seen here.  More on this in a future post

Second, an update on my Mav/Titan.  I finally got bored and made a shell for it.  Still not sure how far it shoots though. : \

NOW, its done. :)
pew, pew!
Wait, no.  Its more like a KA- BOOM!

And last, a sneek peek on a new project I've been working on:

So look forward to more mods in the future! :)
Also, drop a comment below as to what you think the secret project I'm working on is!
(I'll give you a hint, its on a Longshot!)


  1. Dude! You keep doing mods that I'm doing!! I just finished a CPVC breech, lol! (That's my guess as to what the LS is btw)

    Ranges on mine are pretty sweet, I'd say at least 100'. I have a CPVC barrel that the breech connects to via a coupler. I also make it pump action and made a new plunger head for an airtight seal. Can't wait to see how your breech works out!

  2. CORRECT! I guess I'll just tell you guys what I'm doing on this Longshot. I am making a sodizzle cpvc breech (with popatachi improvements). Im also planning on making it pump action via Recon grip. However, I am going to do something to mine that you didn't say Ice^3. That will remain a secret between soloz1 and I. Coincedentally, he had the same idea in mind too! Look forward to my completed Longshot and his in the future (sometime this year).
    I also finished another project recently. That finished project will be my next post.


Thanks for reading!