
Friday, April 6, 2012

Elite Pictures!

Well we finally got some new news on the Elite line!  Here are some pictures, I let them do the talking:
 This one looks like the barricade, and has no official name yet.
 This is one of the newest releases, called the Hailfire and looks like a beast to me.
 The raider replacement, called Rampage.
The look alike recon, called the Retaliator.

These guns look pretty boss to me, and I can't wait to get my hands on them!  If these really do shoot 75 feet, then they are going to change the Nerf world!  Although I know even knows that they lob their shots, I'm wondering if they added a windy day into this...  Wonder if they range tested during a hurricane... :P.  Well let me know what you think!


  1. I am in love with that barricade stock.

  2. They're probably going to get a bit of my money just for the attachments at some point. I'm really disapointed so far though.

    They all look badass but... Nothing really exciting.

    I just hope they have something else up their sleeves!


Thanks for reading!