
Thursday, April 5, 2012

RSCB Window Endcaps!

For those who don't know, Pacific Nerf is having a giveaway!
Click the link for more info: Link

I want to thank all who have followed.  In the past day, Pacific Nerf has gone from 18 followers, to 31 32 followers!  Over halfway there guys!  Keep spreading the word!  Remember, we have to get 50 followers before the end of April, in order to do the Giveaway!


Now, on to the main attraction:

While I was prepping my 4B for our war that never happened, I had an idea.  If I could put a window in my endcap, I could gauge how much darts I had left!

My Rev.1 was drilling a hole in an endcap, then glueing plastic on the inside of it, but it leaked too much.  My Rev.2 was much more easy and successful:

It is half of a PVC coupler with a clear plastic glued over it.  Much more easy and simple than drilling a hole in a Pvc endcap.  

When you look through the window, you can see how much darts you have left:

And when you are out of darts, you will be able to see light shining from out of your barrel:

I suggest everyone give this a go.  They are pretty handy in a war!  This setup is obviously most affective with an Rscb clip system.
This is a fairly good replacement for clear pvc, however clear pvc is still much better to use.
Hopefully someone can improve upon this simple trick!

Thanks for reading guys and remember to keep spreading the word about the Giveaway!


Thanks for reading!