
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Free Modified Nitefinder Giveaway!

Yep, that's right!  I figured it's about time Pacific Nerf did a give away, so if we can get 50 followers by the end of April, we will be giving away a free modded nitefinder!  However, you can only win if you are a follower, so make sure you click that follow button!  The Nitefinder will be modified by Pause with a standard coupler mod done to it.

Pass on the news so we can do the give away soon!


Pause edit:

Just so I can testify my work with Nitefinders,  here are some pics of my previous Nfs.
Just for clarification, these Nitefinders are previous mods and are not the ones that I am giving away.  The giveaway Nitefinder will be revealed in an upcoming post!  :)

Nitefinder with internal coupler

Pvc/Cpvc breeched Nf

Nitefinder with an SSPB integration

Update:  Along with the Nitefinder, the winner will also receive some of Soloz1's slug- style stefans:

Soloz1's Slugs
The reason why the giveaway is exclusive to followers only is not mainly because I want to gain more followers, but because I know that the followers like my content and have continued to support my blog by reading my posts and commenting.

Thanks for sticking with us guys!

- Pause


  1. I'll throw in a couple slugs for the heck of it. :)

  2. I just did the post for you guys :) 50 is a big # good luck!

    1. Thanks for the post. 50 was Roamer's idea.

  3. I WANNA WIN!!! Good Job on the big 50 btw!!!

    1. Haha, you misunderstand. We are only going to do the giveaway, IF we reach 50 followers.

  4. wow lol i fail. theres only 18 :/

  5. OK, I'm following. It's a long shot, I hope you make it! :)

  6. I subscribe through RSS feeds (yay Google Reader!)

  7. I was #25, keep it up!
    Btw is the NF going to be painted?

    1. The Nf isn't going to be painted, however, I'm going to try to get it signed by all three of us. :)

  8. yay!!! the blasters look great

    1. Just for clarification, those Nitefinders are previous mods and are not the ones that I am giving away. The giveaway Nitefinder will be revealed in an upcoming post! :)

  9. hey pause will you ship to the UK?

    1. We will ship almost anywhere in the world.

  10. hello Pause. Do we have to subscribe to your youtube channel to enter? And now that I have followed your Blog do I have a chance winning? And one more question, How will the winner be picked? (Sorry I just like to confirm everything I do.)

  11. hello Pause, I have followed your blog. Do we need to subscribe to your Youtube account to win? And how will you pick the winner? I really want to win. And good luck to everyone Else!

    1. Hey Jeremy, you didn't have to post twice, I read all my comments. ;)

      1. You don't need to subscribe to my Youtube account, but if you want to you can. :D
      2. Only followers can be entered to win the Nitefinder
      3. The winner will be picked using a random number generator.

  12. Hey pause can you sell me some of those slugs. Maybe we can work something out. Plz reply. Nice giveaway by the way.

    1. Soloz1 actually made those, and I ran out of them a while back. If you contact him, I think he will be happy to sell you some.


Thanks for reading!