
Monday, August 6, 2012

Goodbye Blogging?

Hey everyone, this is going to be an update post regarding my blogging.

My summer has long ended.  :(  This year in school is going to be a lot more busy for me, and I won't have much, or any time, to mod and because of this, I probably won't be posting much on this blog.  Now, I could post things like Nerf news, speculation posts, and things of the like, but this blog is more of a mod intensive blog.  I figure that other blogs (NM&R, UT, TT) already cover this side of Nerf, so I wanted Pacific Nerf to be a blog dedicated to mods.

Another thing regarding my posts, some of you may have noticed, but they have been mostly containing videos, and hardly any pictures.  This is simply because filming and editing video is much easier than taking pictures and writing about a particular blaster.  I *might* stop blogging, and mainly make videos but that won't be any time soon.

In short, this year I will most likely be posting less frequently, and making more video posts, and less write-up type posts.  I made this post because I wanted to update the readers of this blog who might have begun to wonder where I went so I could avoid the "did you die?" comments.

Thanks for your understanding, and until next time!



  1. I get it Pause, Have a good school year! But at least try to stop by NM&R once or twice :)


  2. Yea.... This is going to be the same with me once school starts for me. (september 5th)


Thanks for reading!