
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thats All for Now Folks!

After much thought, I've decided that I'm going to primarily post things to my Youtube Channel, and stop blogging for now.  Blogging simply takes up too much time, because you have to take the pictures, and make a good write-up, etc.  For me, filming and editing a video is much easier, and much faster.  I feel like I can put out content more frequently if I just post videos.

For the time being, I will be mostly posting content in video form to my Youtube channel.  I might have some time for a post now and then, but that will mostly happen when I am on a break from school.  This post will probably be my last for awhile...

 However, that doesn't mean that my last post can't be entertaining!  Here are two videos of projects that I have completed; a BrokenSVT 4B, and a "Stocked" Sceptor!

Thanks for reading guys, and I'll see you in Youtubeland!


1 comment:

  1. Well, just know that we all did love your blog!

    Hate to see it go for the most part.

    but have fun youtubing!


Thanks for reading!