
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Supah Modified 4B 2.0!

If you guys can remember, last month I made this post regarding my Big Blast.  Well, after much procrastination, I finally finished it!

I originally was going to make an SVT4B as seen here, but with an NIC war coming this weekend, I decided that this was better than nothing.

Yes, it is still 1/2 Pvc couplered:

The pump I used for this blaster is a ball pump from Sports Authority.  Instead of the stock pump, which fills the tank in 5-6 pumps, this one fills it in 2!

I was lucky in that this red almost exactly matches the 4B red! :D

For the war, I intend to use an 8 dart rscb clip with my 4B:

With this setup, this is actually a very fast airgun.  It also turned out a lot more comfy than I thought it would be.  The pump handle, though small, doubles for a semi-comfy stock, and the Rscb bend part doubles as a vertical foregrip.  

I, like Ice, prefer Rscbs over hoppers.  One reason being that Rscbs are very easy to aim down:

I don't have official ranges for it yet, but I hope to get some at the war this weekend.  All I know is that it shoots hard.  Hopefully the Rscb doesn't drop range all too much.  
Overall, I really love this blaster and I hope to do some more things to it in the future!  One thing I might do is add an OPRV to it just for other's and the blaster's safety.  Another thing that I would really love to do is to integrate an At2k tank into the front.

If anyone is willing to sell me an At2k or just a 2k tank, please email me at  I would really like too get my hands on two.  :)

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this mod.  Stay tuned for the firing video and more mods in the future! 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

UT Update: Ain't Looking Good Folks

Hey guys.  Just in from facebook, another update on the status of Urban Taggers:

More updates folks. The saying goes we don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing... and we stop playing when.. it's no longer fun and lawyers come after us:P 

More contact with Hasbro's lawyers and alas the headaches continue as issues are now going back to past content. We've said it time and time again that while we appreciate all of the very creative speculations on our sources of content, we really get the majority of these "hot" leads from Google- either by me or by the very cool readership we've had the privilege to gain who send me said leads. It is funny though how powerful a good grasp of a search engine can be!!!

In any case, I am still so so chuffed at the amount of support we've gotten from you all in the past week. Whatever happens- I'm really proud of what our lil' blog has achieved in the past 18 months and it just goes to show what some free social media sites, a sense of community and some hard work can do and I do thank you all for being a part of it.

I don't wanna say "we're done here!" just yet though:)

What the future of Urban Taggers will be?  Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Modified Pistol Splat!

FINALLY!  Hey guys, so its been a while since I posted a mod.  Thats because I actually ran out of modding supplies and couldn't get to the hardware store until last Sunday!  But, I am back in action now, and am modding again (I can't tell you how good it feels to mod).

Anyways, without further ranting, I present my modified Pistol Splat!

Nothing much has been done to this, just a couple simple and basic mods.  I have couplered it using a 1/2 cpvc coupler which allows it to use the 5 inch cpvc barrel.

I'm not sure if 5 inches is an optimal length for this blaster because when I fire it, the darts "hop" up in their flight path.  I think the barrel might have to be longer.  However, this "hopping" might be due to the slight kick the blaster has.  :)

In its minimized form, it is the same size as a stock Nitefinder.

Here is a shot of the internals.  Not that complex. Interestingly, the plunger tube is actually about the same size as a Nitefinder's.

But what makes this pistol shoot much farther than a Nf, is the spring.

This spring is incredibly powerful.  I couldn't compress it with my hands even if I tried.  In spite of that, the draw weight is actually very light.  This is because of the way the priming mech is designed as it is not a pull back, rather a lever.

Overall, this blaster is very good.  Ranges are in the 70's.  I think it is much superior to couplered Nitefinders range wise, but if you want something compact go with a Nitefinder.  This is definitely going to replace my Nf as my sidearm.

Finally, a firing vid:

Friday, March 23, 2012

Urban Taggers Blog Update!

Just got this in on facebook, the current status and possible future of Urban Taggers:

Hello fellow Taggers- just a progress update on where we're at. We've complied with the request of Hasbro's lawyers, and now we've restricted the blog to just admins to ensure we're not pulled up on anything else while we "clean" it up.

I admit this does make us reconsider the future direction of UT, but I will keep you all in the loop. For the record we have been overwhelmed by the amount of support we've received from you all- it has been fantastic and we really do appreciate it. Thanks heaps!

I wonder what the future of Urban Taggers will be?  Stay tuned guys, and hope for the best.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Want a Modded Nerf Gun, For FREE?

Arctic Nerf is having a givaway!  However, it is not like a regular givaway because they are going to give away a free contract!  I assume that this means that they will mod any blaster you want, and ship it to your house free of charge! However, there is a catch.  Arctic Nerf needs to have 20 followers for this to happen.  Here is what Icicle from AN had to say:

If you didn't notice the poll on the side of the blog, then you should know that the poll was asking when you would like a free commission. The options were at 10,000 views and at 20 followers. The results showed that you want it at 20 followers, since we are currently 11 followers we need your help. 

If you want this free commission then spread the word about this blog. The more followers we get the more free commissions we give out! I know that the production of this blog has gone down, but I am working on TONS of Nerf stuff so there should be more posts soon...

So if you want a modified Nerf blaster of your choice, spread the word about Arctic Nerf!  I know I am (obviously).  :)

Link to the post on Arctic Nerf: Here

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

UrbanTaggers: Currently Offline!?!

Hey guys.  If some of you have noticed, Urban Taggers, the blog for everything Nerf, Supersoaker, and Lazertag, has been temporarily shut down.  Click the link to see for yourself: Link.
Turns out that they had been contacted by Hasbro's lawyers.  Here's what Pocket said on Facebook:

Hi folks. Well it was bound to happen:P We've had to temporarily shut down as we've been contacted by Hasbro's lawyers... guess you know you're onto something big when the man comes after you! We'll let you know what happens!

Hopefully, they can keep this blog up online!  Root for them guys!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

How To: Mod Your Longstrike!

Hey guys.  This is going to be a guide on how to mod your Nerf Longstrike, my way.  This guide is going to be covering basic mods for the Longstrike such as air restrictor removal, spring compression, reinforcement, air flow modifications and more.  

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Longshot Project: Sneek Peek!

So some of you might know that I've been working on a Longshot these past few weeks.  I just thought you guys would like to see its current state, so I made a short vid:

Stay tuned for the finished product! (Its not anytime soon though.)  

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How to: Mod Your Nano Jolt's Trigger - My Way!

So revisionfive/iamthatcat asked me to do an exploded view of my Nano Jolt's trigger.  You ask, and you shall receive!  Hopefully this post explains clearly how I do mine:
Pic of trigger spring
How I did mine was really simple.
Step 1: Find spring.  
Step 2: Wedge spring under trigger.  
Step 3:  You are done!
Better pic
I did this originally as a temporary hold until I found an adequate piece of plastic, however it hasn't had any flaws yet!
This method is also MUCH easier than finding and cutting a plastic rest.
Exploded view: trigger, pin, and spring
Spring close up
The spring I used was from a longer spring.  I just cut a small segment off, and used that.  It doesn't have to be extraordinarily strong, because mine isn't.

(Sorry for the bad lighting in the last two pics.)

Here's a vid that will hopefully explain all of this:

Hopefully, I explained this so that it can be replicated.  Its so simple, I'm not sure how one would be unable to understand!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Promo: AllofUsNerf!

A new blog!
The other day, I was chatting on Bazooka's T^3 chat, and imodify came up with this idea to make a blog with many authors.  His intent was for people who didn't have blogs, to come and join this one.  At the moment the blog currently has 4 authors.

I encourage you guys to give it a look-see, and if you are interested in authoring, shoot him an email at .  I'm curious how this blog will turn out.  Do you guys think I should author there?  Leave a comment below as to what you think.

Wipeout/ Pistol Splat Review!

This is my review on a stock Pistol Splat.  It actually fires Nerf darts really far stock!
They hit around 50 feet.  However, once modified, I've heard ranges of 80- 90 feet!

Sorry for the lacking of longer in-depth posts with more pics and such.  I don't have any mods that I want to show guys and I am running low on modding supplies.  Hopefully I can get to the hardware store sometime this week.  :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

MAJOR Blog Update: Title Change!

So as all of you know, this blog was called "The Nerf Pause".  I called it that because I thought that I was going to author on this blog by myself.  But, I have always been bothered by the corniness and cheesiness of "The Nerf Pause".  So I have decided that I am changing the blog's name to Pacific Nerf because I have since been joined by two other Hawaiian Nerfers, Soloz1 and Roamer.  I am not going to change the URL of this blog, simply because I have already asked other sites to link me, so it is still .

I hope that this change is not disliked, but its my blog, not yours.  However, I'd like to know your thoughts on this change.  Is this a better title?  Or should I change it back?  Leave a comment below.

Review: Neo Creation's Painted Hornet!

For those of you who haven't seen my youtube video on this yet, this is just a quick review that I made on the cool things and the not so cool things regarding Ben's work.  

I did do a slight review in my un-boxing video, but it wasn't as in depth because I was too excited to really examine it more.

There were some minor things regarding the paint job that I dislike, however overall, I can't complain.  This paint job is a work of art. I can now vouch for Ben's work and I highly suggest contacting him if you are interested in having a blaster painted.

Ben's Blog:

Ben's Youtube:

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Modified Jolt: Now, Even Smaller!

So I was bored one night an I decided that I wanted to upgrade the Jolt I got from Soloz1 during our modparty.  So I made this:

So small!
Thats right!  I made the worlds smallest Nerf blaster EVEN SMALLER.  :D  


It really wasn't hard to do at all.  I followed iamthatcat/ revisionfive's informative write-up that you can find here.  Its basically a matter of chopping off the original barrel, and sanding it down until a 1/2 cpvc coupler can fit on.

Down the barrel, unprimed
Down the barrel, primed

I used a keyring to replace the old handle, but I think I'm probably going to switch back.

Exploded view

For this modification, I replaced the spring with a Buzz Bee Rogue spring.  Its really powerful!

Overall, I like this blaster.  I'm not sure when I will use it, but its a nice little pocket rocket and an easy mod to do.  :)

Lastly, heres a firing vid:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Update: I Got Cool Stuff Today!

I got some really cool stuff in the mail today guys!  I figured a video is easier to show what I got so enjoy!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Airguns or Springers?

So as many of you guys know, there are two main methods of propelling foam darts through the air.  There are blasters that rely (mainly) on air pressure, known as airguns, and blasters that rely on springs to push air, known as springers.  Now there are pros and cons to each mechanism, and I will try my best to list them all.  I personally, don't have a preference.

Lets start with springers, shall we? 

The Longshot is a commonly recognized Springer

  1. Easy to mod
  2. Fast rate of fire
  3. Isn't as picky with air seal
  4. Can achieve great ranges
  1. Stronger springs are usually key to range, which means sometimes they are a little hard to use
  2. Limited air volume.  You cannot compress air inside a plunger tube like you can in an air tank
  3. Pieces need to be re- enforced as they are constantly under stress when in use
  4. Loud
  5. Priming can be tiresome
Now lets move on to airguns.

The Big Blast is a commonly recognized airgun

  1.  Usually have insane ranges
  2.  Tank size doesn't matter much
  3.  Not as loud as springers, and can be silenced
  4.  Can achieve great ranges, usually greater than that of springers
  5.  When hooked up to aircompressors, Rof is vastly increased
  1. They usually have slower rate of fire
  2. Extremely picky with air seal
  3. Sometimes very temper mental
  4. Air release is key, so a faster trigger pull is needed.
  5. Pumping can also be tiresome
  6. Usually harder to mod
So, hopefully this was an accurate comparison of the two.  Personally, I think it is the best when both firing mechanisms are combined in one blaster.
If there is anything else you wish to add, drop a comment below.  Also, leave a comment if you think I should make this a separate page.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

BBBB Coupler Mod

So, true to my word, I modded the big blast.  It's a very simple mod and I did it without any research, so I have no clue if anyone has done this before me.  If you are having trouble opening the gun and you don't plan on size reducing it, then just CAREFULLY pry around the orange ring on the front of the gun with a flathead screwdriver.  Anyways, here's a picture of the internals now (I forgot to put the trigger in when I took the picture):

As you can see, all I did was cut down the old rocket holder and glued the coupler on.  They didn't fit perfectly, so had to sand it down a little bit, and then slid the coupler on along with some epoxy glue.  I'm using about 10" cpvc for the barrel and it seems to work fine.  It is pouring down rain, so I am not able to range test it but will hopefully find a windless, dry day here shortly.  Anyways, I love this gun and would recommend it to anyone! (if you can find them ;)


Monday, March 5, 2012

Post Modparty Updates!

So last weekend, Soloz1 and I had a mod party!  We basically modded from 2:00 to 5:00 and when to a Nerf war!  It was a really fun and cool day.  I also gots some new stuffs, check it out!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


That's right! A big blast brand new out of the box!  I got it at a local store, and it was the last one on the shelf.  I plan to mod it here shortly but just thought I'd share!

p.s. sorry about not posting lately, I have been very busy with school.  I plan to release my top secret mod next week

Friday, March 2, 2012

SM750 Updates: Petg and More!

So for those of you who have been following my blog for a while, you might remember a post I made a while back on my Supermaxx 750, here.  Well, since then, it has gone though some other modifications.