
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pacific Nerf Giveaway Winner!

Its the end of the month, so its time to announce the lucky winner of the Nitefinder!

Before I announce the winner of the Giveaway, I would just like to say, thank you all for entering.  I never thought we would reach 50 followers before today.  Thank you so much!

I determined the winner using a random number generator at  This was the number it gave me:

So I counted through all the followers, all the way up to the 31st follower.  To be honest, I was quite surprised at the winner... (heh.)

The winner is....

imodify is the winner of the giveaway Nitefinder!  Please email me at within 24 hours of this post with your full address.  If you don't contact me within that timeframe, I will redo the drawing for another winner.

Again, thank you all so much for entering.  We will most likely do another giveaway in the future, with a much better blaster.

Until next time, guys!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Amazon Supply

Apparently Amazon has a 'supplies' site. Will this be the new McMaster?
It is currently in beta, but I hope this kicks off. $50 ($25 for Prime Members) or more free shipping would be epic for buying supplies opposed to McM high (at least to 808) shipping costs. Plus, they have clear pvc! Who doesn't like clear pvc?

        Amazon Supply

Monday, April 23, 2012

How to: "Nano" Jolt Mod!

I had some requests for me to make a tutorial on how to make a "Nano" Jolt.  I recently got another Jolt, which actually belongs to Gadgets (I'm modding it for him), so I made a how to video!  Check it out!

Hope that it was informative, and I hope you guys like it!

Also, there is only 1 more week left to enter for the Giveaway!  On April 30th, I will end the Giveaway and pick a winner using a random number generator.  Check the sidebar over to the right for more info!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A New Author!

Hey guys, so some of you might have been confused with the last post.  Who the heck is Gadgets?  Well, he is one of my friends (in real life)  and he is going to be authoring on Pacific Nerf also.

Hopefully this clears up some confusion. :)

How To Make A HAMP

Just wanted to give you guys a video on how to make a HAMP.
High, Air pressure, Manual, Pump.

By the way I forgot to tell you in the video. That at the end of the plunger rod you have to glue a cardboard circle that will match the size if the hole. It is used to block air from coming out of the plunger rod.
It should look like this.
I also added electrical tape around it.

Friday, April 20, 2012

20,000 Pageviews!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!  Thank you for all your support guys!  I'd never thought that this blog would ever get so many views!

Please continue to read and follow Pacific Nerf!  Since summer is just around the corner, I will be modding much more frequently.  So be on the lookout for great mods in the summer!

Thanks again guys!


Thursday, April 19, 2012

SG Nerf: 25- Round Drum!

Spotted this over at SGNerf, the N-Strike Elite Rampage 25-Round Drum!  (What a mouthful)

Pictured here with a Raider
Pics courtesy of SGNerf

Head over to SG Nerf for more info and pics, here.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Saw this over on, some kid actually got a Pyragon!  Apparently his dad works for Hasbro or something, so he got one early!  Check out the video below!

Can't believe it...

Hey kid?  Can you get us a Hailfire too?  :D


Edit:  Well, looks like the kid was forced to take down the video.  But for those of you who didn't get to watch it, it was legitimate.  


Double edit:  Someone re-uploaded it!  This will probably get taken down too, but here you go!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

K-9 PAS!

Revamped my old PAS. Now with internal RSCB!

Seal is iffy because my orings worn down... Sad face.
 8 dart EPICLY CLEAR rscb. Gets about 65' with scrap piece of cpvc and iffy seal. Love this thing!

Yup. Thats the reason. You can see a speck of my work table if you look reeeeeaaaally hard.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Promo: Wing Master Guns!

Hey guys, so some of you might have noticed that Pacific Nerf got a new banner!  I owe this all to WingMaster.

He designed it and was very patient and complied to all of my requests.  He went through maybe 10 designs before getting the right one, then re-sizing it maybe 5 times to get it absolutely perfect.

I want to say a big thanks to WingMaster.  Help me thank him by visiting his blog here and following.  He is a very nice guy, and has a very good blog.

Again, please check out his blog, comment, and follow!  He deserves it!

Check him out:

Friday, April 13, 2012

Giveaway Update: 50 Followers Achieved!

Whoohoo!  The Giveaway goal of 50 followers was reached!  Thank you to everyone who has followed!  This means that we are definitely going to giveaway the modified Nitefinder, seen in this post, by the end of this month.

Although we reached the big "Five-o", if you follow before the drawing (at the end of this month), you will still be entered for a chance to win!

I want to use this post to clear up some confusion there might have been amongst some of you followers.
  • You must follow by clicking the "Join this site" button pictured above.  I will be basing the giveaway off of the followers that I can see there, so if you are following in a different manner make sure to follow there!
  • Yes, we will be shipping to the UK.  We will try to ship anywhere.
  • We are paying for the shipping, you don't need to pay anything!

Again, if you have any questions about the Giveaway, please visit the original post seen here because your question might already have been answered.  If you have checked there first, and you don't have an answer to your question, you can put it in the comments below, and we will answer it!

Thanks again guys!

Update:  I got Roamer's Sig!  Now I just need soloz1's....

Roamer's Sig.
My Sig.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

4B Final Update! (Hopefully)

By this time, your probably thinking, "Another Big Blast update? UGH!"  Well, I don't blame you for feeling that way, but I really wanted to take this one to the max.  

So you guys all probably know what mods have been done to this already, (if you don't click here) but one final thing that I added to it, was the stock Over pressure release valve.  I followed TantumBull's "write-up" seen here.

That little circular thing sticking out from the shell is the Over pressure release valve.  I added this because I didn't feel safe with a plugged blaster in my hands because it could badly hurt others, or damage itself from too much pressure inside the tank.

The neat thing about this mod is that you can adjust at what pressure the Oprv will "pop" by loosening and tightening that screw.

Internal pics:

For those of you who have no idea what I was trying to explain, here is a video for ya:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

100th Post: Range Test + Guest!

Hey guys, so I'd thought I should give proof that my claimed ranges are accurate.  So I made a range test video of my Pistol Splat and NF.  It even has a special guest appearance! :D

Check the video down below for more:

Just thought I'd do something fun for the 100th post on this blog.  :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Giveaway Nitefinder!

So you all know that I'm doing a giveaway already, and I said that it was going to be a Nitefinder, but I never actually showed you guys it!  
Well, I just finished it today.  It has some other minor things that need to be done to it like adding the handle cap and getting the signatures of Pacific Nerf's authors on it, but it is done for the most part.  Without further delay, here it is:

This is the modified Nf that I am going to be giving away, and I've gotta say I'm going to be sad to see it go.  It is the one of nicest ones I've done in a long time.  Mods done include couplering, minimization, spring replacements, seal increase, and reinforcements.

It will come with a cpvc speedloader.  Each of the barrels are 4 inches long.

Now on to the internals:

One of the things that I have been doing to Nitefinders recently is reinforcing that area with epoxy puddy.  The new weight of the spring really bends that screw port and I was afraid that it would eventually break.  This reinforcement easily solves that problem.

Now here you can see that I have couplered it.  I've couplered it using a 1/2 inch cpvc coupler.  I have also eliminated the deadspace using 1/2" pvc nested in cpvc and gooped in (not shown).

On to the plunger assembly, I've replaced the spring with a Homedepot Handyman spring.  They come in packs of two, very good springs for Nf's.  
The spring I used to replace the catch spring is a spring from McMaster-Carr.  It's item number is 96565K36

I've also increased the seal with E-Tape and re-lubed it.  It now has a 100% seal.

With all of these mods, this Nitefinder hits about 60- 65 feet and punches cardboard!  This is one of the best Nitefinders that I've done in awhile and I'm going to be really sad to see this go.  However that means that I know that whoever gets it, will be very happy!

Finally here is a video of it:

Update:  Here are some pics of where I've signed my name on the Nitefinder.  I will update this post later with the pics of Roamer's and Soloz1's sigs.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

40 Down, 10 More to Go!

I never though that this would be so fast!  Only need 10 more followers to 50 guys!
Keep in mind, the Giveaway ends at the end of April, and all who follow before then are entered so long as we have 50 or more followers!
The Giveaway Nitefinder will be shown in a post sometime next week, so keep your eyes out for that.
For more info on the Giveaway, click here.
Thanks for reading, and keep spreading the word!

Friday, April 6, 2012

OMW: Longshot Kit Update and Links

Just got this in from OMW, an update on their Longshot kits and links.

Hey Orange fans,

Preordering for our Longshot Immortal Kit has been extended until
11:59 PM CST, Monday, April 9th, 2012. Afterwards, the kit will
not be available for sale until all preorders are shipped.

The biggest change is that in addition to the collector's tin
box, preorder customers will now receive a bonus priming handle and
a 25% discount on our next Longshot add-on kit, which will feature
the sealed breech and shotgun grip.

Please visit the update page below for a photo of our prototype
parts and more in-depth information:

Also, we have finished the troubleshooting videos for our new
Massacre kits. If you experience any issues when installing
these kits, please check out the following links:

Alpha Trooper Massacre - Troubleshooting Common Issues:

Alpha Trooper Homemade Dart Tooth Tutorial:

Longstrike Massacre - Troubleshooting Common Issues:

Raider Massacre - Troubleshooting Common Issues:

Thank you, and have a happy Easter weekend for those who
celebrate it!

Wow!  Their next kit will include a sealed breech, and shotgun style pump!  Sounds like they are trying to compete with Xplorer.  
Its kinda sad that OMW is making all these kits.  Its taking all the work and fun out of modifying Nerf blasters.  I think that OMW is good for supplying raw materials, but making an angel breech like kit is starting to take it too far for my taste.  
What do you guys think?  Leave your comments below.

Elite Pictures!

Well we finally got some new news on the Elite line!  Here are some pictures, I let them do the talking:
 This one looks like the barricade, and has no official name yet.
 This is one of the newest releases, called the Hailfire and looks like a beast to me.
 The raider replacement, called Rampage.
The look alike recon, called the Retaliator.

These guns look pretty boss to me, and I can't wait to get my hands on them!  If these really do shoot 75 feet, then they are going to change the Nerf world!  Although I know even knows that they lob their shots, I'm wondering if they added a windy day into this...  Wonder if they range tested during a hurricane... :P.  Well let me know what you think!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

RSCB Window Endcaps!

For those who don't know, Pacific Nerf is having a giveaway!
Click the link for more info: Link

I want to thank all who have followed.  In the past day, Pacific Nerf has gone from 18 followers, to 31 32 followers!  Over halfway there guys!  Keep spreading the word!  Remember, we have to get 50 followers before the end of April, in order to do the Giveaway!


Now, on to the main attraction:

While I was prepping my 4B for our war that never happened, I had an idea.  If I could put a window in my endcap, I could gauge how much darts I had left!

My Rev.1 was drilling a hole in an endcap, then glueing plastic on the inside of it, but it leaked too much.  My Rev.2 was much more easy and successful:

It is half of a PVC coupler with a clear plastic glued over it.  Much more easy and simple than drilling a hole in a Pvc endcap.  

When you look through the window, you can see how much darts you have left:

And when you are out of darts, you will be able to see light shining from out of your barrel:

I suggest everyone give this a go.  They are pretty handy in a war!  This setup is obviously most affective with an Rscb clip system.
This is a fairly good replacement for clear pvc, however clear pvc is still much better to use.
Hopefully someone can improve upon this simple trick!

Thanks for reading guys and remember to keep spreading the word about the Giveaway!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Free Modified Nitefinder Giveaway!

Yep, that's right!  I figured it's about time Pacific Nerf did a give away, so if we can get 50 followers by the end of April, we will be giving away a free modded nitefinder!  However, you can only win if you are a follower, so make sure you click that follow button!  The Nitefinder will be modified by Pause with a standard coupler mod done to it.

Pass on the news so we can do the give away soon!


Pause edit:

Just so I can testify my work with Nitefinders,  here are some pics of my previous Nfs.
Just for clarification, these Nitefinders are previous mods and are not the ones that I am giving away.  The giveaway Nitefinder will be revealed in an upcoming post!  :)

Nitefinder with internal coupler

Pvc/Cpvc breeched Nf

Nitefinder with an SSPB integration

Update:  Along with the Nitefinder, the winner will also receive some of Soloz1's slug- style stefans:

Soloz1's Slugs
The reason why the giveaway is exclusive to followers only is not mainly because I want to gain more followers, but because I know that the followers like my content and have continued to support my blog by reading my posts and commenting.

Thanks for sticking with us guys!

- Pause

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pause VS LBB

Part two of shooting each other in the back.

Fun fun fun fun! Looking forward to sweet revenge!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Review: Soloz1's Slug-style Stefans

Soloz1 and I made a trade, and in that trade, I got some of his darts!

They are slug-style stefans weighted with number 6 washers with blue felt tips and red foam.  I really love the red and blue.

Soloz1 used a blue sharpie and rubbing alcohol to dye the felt blue.  He also got the red foam from Modman, but it was his last batch.  

Very good quality foam, awesome colors, excellently made.  This really makes me want to buy some Mha foam for my darts, but until then, I'll just use his. :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Big Blast Fun Version 2!

So, Soloz1 and I went to a war this weekend, but no one actually showed.
We got bored, and I had a camera, so we did this.
I shot him with my Big Blast, and he shot me with his Lanard Blast Bazooka.
The video of me getting shot will be at his channel when it is uploaded.

Link to soloz1's channel, here.

I guess this is kind of the firing video. xD

EDIT:  They were there!  We just never found them. :(